If anyone is as curious as me and, you know, from time to time you might have wondered how to get information about the latest patent search engine related papers which have been released by search engines such as Google, Bing, Yandex. But i am much focused on google patent search engine related papers since the search engine currently accounts for 91.47 percent of global search traffic, according to Statista. That means more than 90% of people in the world use Google.
So first, I went through the social accounts of Google and Bing, trying to see if from time to time, things about patents related to search engine results optimization are published there. What I found is that little or nothing about this has been, you know, published by their social media pages. It’s not even about that; it’s about me (and probably you too) trying to get the latest information on the latest patents in the SEO field — because that increase our knowledge you know. I mean this papers hold information that are like goldmines. So why not chase to find and read them at all costs? So, I had to do a much deeper dive myself into the search engine results pages. I needed answers.
I’ll be explaining how I found to easily search and discover latest search engine optimization-focused patents on Google patent website and how you can implement that approach so you get to stay in the loop of latest information. This way, we can always work with that information and stay steadfast in our tasks or practises as SEO specialists.
So, if you’re interested, go to the Google Patents website at patent.google.com. On the homepage, you’ll see three icons in the search bar. Below the search bar is a tick box labeled “Include non-patent literature (Google Scholar),” but we won’t deal with that. Instead, focus on the three icons in the search bar: the first one resembles a bulb, the second a graduation cap, and the third a filter icon. Click on the filter icon, and it will immediately take you to another page. This is called the Google Patents Advanced Search Page.
Now, let’s say we want to see the latest patents by Google related to search engine results and others. On the google advanced patent search page, go to the “Assign” section, type “Google Incorporation” (it’ll be abbreviated to “Inc.”), and fill in the date range. Next, select “Priority” from the dropdown menu, which includes all together “Priority,” “Filing,” and “Publication.”
Now, it’s important to understand these terms. The “Priority” date is essentially the first time a patent was filed, whether domestically or internationally. This is different from when it was published, as it marks the initial filing with the local jurisdiction, securing the inventor’s rights. For example, if Google invents a new type of phone case and files a provisional application on January 1, 2023, this date becomes their priority date. However, filing a full patent application can later be in 2024 and that would not affect or change the initial priority date.
When a patent claims priority, it essentially means the inventor is using the date of filing as the starting point for patent rights. For example, if Google invents a new phone case, files a provisional application on January 1, 2023, and later files a full application, they retain their “first-in-line” status based on the priority date.
Moving on, the “Filing” date is the date the patent is officially submitted to the patent office. This can sometimes be the same as the priority date but will not claim priority for earlier applications.
The “Publication” date, on the other hand, is when the patent becomes publicly available. In many jurisdictions, such as the United States, patents are published 18 months after the priority date, regardless of grant status.
To get the latest google patent search engine related papers, use a specific search operator in the search bar to filter results by year. You can adjust the year as needed. For instance, if you want patents from 2023 to 2024, set the start date as 2023-01-01 and the end date as 2024-01-01, with dashes between year, month, and date.
Here, is the exact search operator you can search directly in the search bar on Google patent filter page: “assignee:(Google Inc) after:priority:2023”.
If you feel you need see just the latest patent by Google, i include this link that will take you directly to the interface that showcase the latest patent by Google related to the search engines, ads, or any other aspect google already covers.
Started as a writer. Learnt journalism at university, although not my major. Later got an SEO content writing gig — my first exposure to Search Engine Optimization. I’ve been in love with it since then. And here we are today!